Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Tugas 1. Membuat E-mail dan Blogspot

Bacalah semuanya, sebelum mengerjakannnya !!!

  • Setelah mendapatkan Petunjuk SUHU, Pintaku Begini :

  1. Buatlah E-mail bisa via Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, dll. ! 
  2. Catat User Name dan Passwordnya di Buku Catatan Anda dan simpan pula di HP setelah pulang sekolah ! Andapun Wajib Ingat alias Tak Boleh Lupa !!!
  3. Buatlah Weblog bergaya Blogspot dan jadikan E-mail Anda sebagai LOGIN ke ! Ikuti 3 (Tiga)  Langkah Utama Yang Telah Ditentukan oleh Pihak Blogger.Com  ! 
  4. Bilamana sudah jadi Blognya, maka jangan lupa mencatat Alamat Website Anda alias URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Anda !
  5. Untuk sementara waktu, Anda jangan bingung urusan Background/Template. Silahkan pilih sesukanya ! Yang penting, sudah memiliki Website Berbasis CMS Bergaya Blog (WEBLOG) yakni BLOGSPOT.
  6. Bilamana ada pernyataan BLOG ANDA SUDAH JADI, maka silahkan Klik Kiri 1x pada tulisan KELUAR (SIGN OUT) yang berada di Pojok Kanan Atas. Lalu cobalah untuk masuk ke Alamat Weblog Anda dengan cara mengetikkan Alamat URL Anda di Address Bar, misalnya memakai Layanan Search Engine Google. Contoh :
  7. Senyampang belum menghiasi Template, maka sebaiknya gantilah terlebih dahulu lewat Layanan Gratis Template untuk BLOGSPOT, misalnya lewat
  8. Bilamana selesai semua, maka segeralah Anda menyetorkan ke SUHU PSPB RONGGOLAWEZ21 untuk didokumentasikan yakni :
  • Alamat E-mail Anda tanpa Password, sebab Password merupakan Hak Privacy Anda. SUHU dan Orang Lain tak boleh tahu kecuali Anda mengijinkan untuk suatu keperluan.
  • Alamat URL Anda.
Catatan :
  1. Bilamana Anda hanya ingin melihat Isi Website Anda yang sudah pernah dibuat, Anda langsung mengetikkan Alamat URLnya di Address Bar.
  2. Bialamana Anda ingin mengelola alias utheg-utheg bin utak-atik Blognya baik Artikelnya, Desain Templatenya, dan Gadget atau Widgetnya, maka selalu gunakan Alamat E-mail dan Password Anda. Untuk ini, Anda harus masuk dulu ke, lalu ketikkan Alamat E-mail dan Passwordnya untuk LOGIN.
  3. Bilamana sudah merasa cukup untuk mengelola Blognya, maka jangan lupa selalu Klik Kiri 1x pada perintah KELUAR (SIGN OUT) demi alasan SECURITY KARYA ANDA.
  4. Bilamana Ada kendala, segeralah melapor ke SUHU PSPB RONGGOLAWEZ21.
  5. Blog Anda sebagai media untuk menaruh Tugas-Tugas yang Akan SUHU berikan dan selebihnya sebagai Ajang Kreatifitas Anda.



Untuk tugas ini sudah diselesaikan dan diserahkan kepada SUHU PSPB RONGGOLAWEZ21

    Senin, 15 November 2010

    Chapter 3:Terms in Using Information and Comunication Techology(ICT)

    A. Multiple Choice

    1. A
    2. E
    3. B
    4. E
    5. E
    6. A
    7. A
    8. C
    9. A


    1.Name several factors that make someone prefer using illegal software!
       answer:   a. low income
                     b. low education level
                     c. the cost of a permit or licensed software is relatively expensive
                    d. low law enforcement
                    e. lack of awareness to use genuine software
    2. Describe the difference between ethics and morality in the society!
    answer:    ethics are a concept of acknowledgment by the society towards human thoughts,which means  that   this concept evolves following men's true values.Whereas,morality is a code of conduct or a  common conception of what is right according to the society(common values).
    3. What is meant by the patent rights of a product?
    answer: exclusive rights granted by the state to an inventor of the invention in the technology,which for a given period invention implement their own or to give consent to another party to implement them.
    4. Explain the correct position/posture to use a computer!
    answer: a. sit on a comfortable seat and if it is possible,use a seat that can be bent fowards and backwards.
                b. set the monitor about 2-3"(5-8 cm) above the eye sight.
                c. avoid excessive light,if necessary,use a screen filter.
                d. set the body about the hand reach from the monitir.
                e. try to put your feet on the ground or to the leg rest on the computer table comfortably.
                f. use a document holder to type a text that is in line with the monitor screen.
               g. place keyboard and mouse in a reachable place.
               h. try to keep the arm and elbow in a relaxed position and on the sidevof the body.
               i. place the monitor straight from the sight.
               j. use a keyboard desk that is movable with a mouse position adjusting keyboard position.
              k. use a stable computer desk and a keyboard desk.
              l. take a quick rest frequently.
    5. What is the abbreviation of HAKI?
    answer: Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

    Senin, 01 November 2010

    Chapter 2:Understanding Functions and Operations of Various Information and Comunication Technology Devices

    A. Multiple Choice

    1. A
    2. D
    3. B
    4. B
    5. E
    6. E
    7. C
    8. B
    9. A

    B. ESSAY 
    1. in ASCII code, by what code is letter W represented?
    answer: Letter W is represented by the number code 87.
    2. Name and explain all supporting devices inside a CPU?
    answer: a. control Unitis to translate commands or instructions in a series and then continues them to the entire computer parts. This parts is how the processor controls the entire computer operation.
    b. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is to process data dt adding, substracting, comparing, and using logical formulas.
    c. memory is to collect or to store data to run an application program. The capability depends on the memory capacity, wich is stated in Byte, KByte, and GByte unit.
    3. what is the abbreviation and the function of ROM ?
    answer: ROM (read Only Memory)ROM is to save computer operation program, such as   BIOS and booting.
    4. name three examples of network interface cards ?
    answer: enthernet,arcnet,and token ring
    5. Name several cables that as on wired network?
    answer: UTP Cable (Unshielded Twisted Pair),STP Cable (Shielded Twisted Pair), Coaxial Cable,Optical Fiber.

    Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

    Evaluation of chapter 1

    A. Multiple Choice

     1.  A
     2.  D
     3.  E
     4.  C
     5.  A
     6.  C
     7.  D
     8.  C
     9.  A
    10. A

    B. Essay

    1. How to turn on a computer properly ?
      *  Ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected
      * Turn on the CPU by pressing the ON or power button on the casing
      * Turn on the monitor by pressing the ON or power button on the monitor
      * Wait until the booting procedure is finished,which is shown by the desktop appearance on the monitor
    2. What do you know about the reset button ?
       * Reset button is used only if the computer hangs or crashes
    3. Name several ways to open and application in windows vista ?
      *  By using shortcuts on the desktop
      * By using start menu
      * By using the related documen
    4. What is office suite ? mention example of office suite !
      * office suite is software for documenting letters,books,report,thesis,work papers,etc.
         example : - microsoft office 2007,open,and abiword
    5. Name several examples of application system that is compatable with windows vista operating system !
       * Word processor
       * Graphic suite
       * Web browser